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Sonic OCsSonic the Hedgehog was one of the first fandoms I ever joined, after being raised on nothing but Neopets and other free online games for years. I got into making OCs not long after, and back then, the internet was a lot more aggressive about Mary-Sues and what meant to make a good character, so I was often nervous about it. It certainly didn't help my anxiety, but I became so afraid of being seen as bad and unoriginal, that when making my Sonic OCs, I went out of my way to try and make them weird animals that hadn't been done in the game yet... Mostly. I may have been very insecure about them when they didn't fit that standard :( I don't remember if I ever got hate comments, but I remember being consistently scared of it. |
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Name: Ice
Species: Husky
Age: 15 (I had a whole thing where my OCs had to be at least 2 years older than me LOL)
Ability: Could control ice as long as she had her necklace
Backstory: Ice came from a snowy village that also only had huskies with crystal necklaces, but she decided to leave it when she met Max the Cat and Joca the Parrot, she decided to stay with them and they were roommates, kind of???
Ice was one of my earliest Sonic OCs and I guess she was one of my main Sonic characters? Looking back at the Neopets page, I wonder if kid me had some sort of fixation with winter and snow themes? I mostly just enjoyed drawing her a lot but hardly did anything with writing a proper backstory.
Ice has been reincarnated as a Drimare so her character remains in use and wow, according to the Wiki, as of writing this, today (November 21st) IS Ice's birthday! What timing!
Name: Max
Species: Cat
Age: 15
Ability: He is very strong and uses his claws to fight
Backstory: According to an old sketchbook of mine: "Max is a typical city cat who was born without knowing who his parents were. He was adopted by Joca's family when very young and is a vegetarian." ????? nice
Sometimes you gotta grab your IRL pets and turn them into Sonic OCs. This guy was technically my first Sonic OC, though he initially started out as a Jet the Hawk recolour LOL
His personality is child.
Also Boyd from the Ducktales reboot reminds me so much of him lol
Name: Fiona
Species: Rottweiler
Age: 16
Ability: Knows how to use guns
Backstory: Fiona was a secret agent who had a crush on Max and hated Ice. They were rivals for some reason, I just made her to be Ice's very own edgy counterpart.
Much like Ice, Fiona also has a Drimare reincarnation, though her design is in the concepting phase. She had one made early on, who was only brought back in 2021, but has yet to be drawn again.
Although I called her a rottweiler, she's more of a dobberman, kid me just didn't know the difference and thought that rottweiler sounded like a cooler word.
Name: Drake
Species: Pterodactyl
Age: 16
Ability: Flying
Backstory: He apparently lived in the past and was kidnapped by SILVER THE HEDGEHOG to show off his time traveling powers. Drake escaped and now is just chilling.
I liked his design a lot :)
A very short unfinished attempt at writing Drake's backstory. None of the typos are fixed for that authentic baby Jay writing experience
In the present time
"Im so bored!" and white hedgehog with glowing hands said "I´ve visited like, every place in the future, saw the mobians of the future, the buildings, and cities..." he sighed "they sure were good but what if... i went to the past? Im sure the mobians from the past are more interesting..."
150 million years BC
"Lets see... tree, cloud, sky, palmtree, some random people down there, Yumi is just messing around with her things, Raptor too busy running"
Up in a tree, there was a pterodactyl, orange fured, probably 14-15 years old, green eyes, seeing what was around him...
"Nothing really interesting right now" he sighed
Moments later the violet stegosaur came
"Drake! Drake are you awake?!"
"Huh? What is it Yumi?"
"There´s a wierd white guy with shiny hands running around here!"
"Are you sure you arent seeing things again?"
"No! Nasilan is after him!"
"Youre joking right?"
"No! He wants to hit him!"
"Oh great, just what i needed..."
While finishing that phrase he opened up his wings and flew to the place that the stegosaur pointed.
"Come over here you freak!" the ferocious tyranosaur screamed.
"W-why?! Why cant i use my powers here?!" the hedgehog screamed.
"Come on! Cant you run faster than that??"
"DAMN! I knew this wasnt a good idea!"
In a fast movement the pterodactyl flew the fast as he could and lifted the hedgehog in the air.
"W-What?!!? Let me go!" he screamed
"This is how you thank me huh?"
He went even higher and droped the hedgehog "There! I dropped you. Happy?"
While falling he said "FORGET WHAT I SAID!! HELP ME!!!"
He laughed "c´mon decide yourself!" he grabbed him again and went far from there.
"Ok... Let me see... WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU?!" the pterodactyl said
"Im an hedgehog!" he proudly replied
"Hedge-what? Never heard about that before"
"That because im from the future."
"Yeah sure"
"Its true!"
"Prove it!"
"If you insist..."
His hands glew even more has he used his teleknesis powers to lift a huge rock nearby
"Now you believe me?"
". . ."
"There i knew it would work"
"Only people from the future can do it!"
"Aww D:"
The white hedgehog opened some kind of portal while saying "But if youre so intrested to learn it you can come to the future"
"Wait... what about the others?"
"Yeah my friends!"
"You´ll never see them again!"
"What?! Sorry no! Im not going with you!"
"Oh yes you are!" He grabbed his feet while pulling him. Drake gasped, that guy wouldnt get what he wanted to! He opened his wings and tried to fly away without any sucess.
Silver though "Hum... hes thougher than he looks, but not so smart!" He used his teleknesis powers stuning him."Youre coming with me!"
In the present time
"Ugh! W-where am i?" Drake asked "WHAT IS THIS?!" He looked around himself, he was in a wierd looking box, with grey sticks all over it, this wasnt the jungle, where could he be? Drake looked out of the cage he was in and saw the white hedgehog that kidnapted him and a bunch of mobians that he couldnt know what species they were
"Behold ladies and gentlemen, my newest discovery! Creature from the past, the one you only see in your story books! A real life pterodactyl!"
The mobians looked at him exited they were.
They laughed and that made him even more furious, he screamed to Silver
"Well... yeah! Im making you geting known in the world!"
"Oh ok... This is what you want?! Traping a person that did nothing wrong at all?! Just to get attencion??"
The cage wasnt too strong and Drake wasnt so weak at all! He pushed the cage to the right then the left making it to break, as soon he was out of it the people ran away because they feared him... The guards came to get him but he flew away leaving them with empty hands
"Idiots!" he looked around, he couldnt see trees or plants like his usual home... He only saw buildings, towers, shops and other stuff like that "I dont trust this place" soon he saw some trees nearby in a park
"That looks like a good place to hide.." while heading for it he could hear the news about his escape..
"Silver finds pterodactyl!"
"Insane dinosaur in the city"
"Be carefull with the orange fured pterodactyl"
He started to become scared "What´s with this people?! What do they want from me?!" He went to the tallest tree he could find and start watching the people around him "These people are so wierd..."
While watching them, his green eyes saw a girl, white and yellow feathers and looked like him (only hair style), she was reading a newspaper which was also about him "That Silver... why did he do that? if he continues with this he might cause time paradox some day!"
She sighed and sitted on a chair nearby, a couple of mobians passed by her "Hey look its that freak with the wierd hair!" she hidded her face "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Drake watched the whole scene and wanted to say something to the girl, but what if she wanted to get him too? He shouldnt trust anyone here!
But he couldnt resist to say something to her "Hey you! Pretty girl with white and yellow hair!"
She looked around and saw no one "Who´s there??"
"Up here!" she lifted her head and gasped as she saw the character that was in journal she was reading moments ago "Dont worry im not going to hurt you..." he said.